18 Sep
20:00 - 21:30

Activism in the Age of Climate Crisis

Where some of us take vigorous action when it comes to climate change or roar out in protest most of us are indifferent, not concerned or at least not getting into action.

Lieven De Cauter reflects on the ongoing collapse of ecosystems and societies, the lack of awareness and the desperate calls of the climate strikers, extinction rebellion and other activists to finally take the action needed. He will argue that the multiple ecological crisis demands an interruption of business as usual, and that we need a radical interruption of normality.

Lieven De Cauter has published over a dozen books. They include Art and Activism in the Age of Globalization (2011); Entropic Empire (2012); The Dwarf in the Chess Machine. Benjamin’s Hidden Doctrine (2018); and Ending the Anthropocene. Essays on Activism in the Age of Collapse (2021).

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