10 Dec

6th annual alumni meeting master International and European Tax Law

We are pleased to inform you that the Alumni Circle of the International and European Tax Law Master will organise its 6th Annual Alumni Meeting in Maastricht on Saturday, the 10th of December. This year’s edition of our alumni meeting is particularly important – our IETL LLM program celebrates its 10th anniversary and the Law Faculty its 35th!


IETL meeting december 2015

View the photos of this event

As always, the meeting will take place on the same day that Maastricht University awards the degree of Master in Law to the graduates of the International and European Tax Law Master in 2016. We would like to invite current students of the LL.M., graduates of 2016 and earlier alumni, to celebrate this graduation ceremony together in an enlarged alumni meeting.This will be a great opportunity to meet current students, old friends, colleagues and teachers.

The program is as follows

14.30h – 15.30h Opening / coffee & cake (room C1.306)
15.30h – 17.00h Master class by Professor Dr. Rainer Prokisch “The IETL LLM – 10 years of history” (room C1.306)
17.00h – 19.00h Reception (drinks and snacks) in the Common Room (coffee corner of Law Faculty) [This reception is sponsored by the Faculty of Law Alumni Office. The Common Room is reserved for our Alumni meeting – please make sure you join us there!]
19.30h – 22.30h Dinner at Restaurant Fameuse (Price 29,95 pp)
22.30h – (…) Party in a local pub

Please note that the meeting is intended for students, staff and alumni of the IETL programme. 

Are you graduating on the 10 of December? Then you can bring a couple of family members to the alumni meeting reception at 17.00 hours. Please indicate in the registration form the number of family members you will bring. 

Please check the UM Alumni website for an update of your CV and personal details, other alumni events and more information.

We look forward to seeing you!

On behalf of the Alumni Circle of the International and European Tax Law Master,

Gonçalo Cardoso Pereira 

Esther Ronda (alumni coordinator Faculty of Law)