23 Oct

“Authenticity, forgeries and the role of art experts”, PhD defence Anna Bolz

On 23 October 2019 at 14h00, Anna Bolz will defend her PhD thesis “Authenticity, forgeries and the role of art experts. A regulatory framework for the art market?”

The notion of authenticity has always commanded the attention of art market participants and the general art-minded public alike. Coinciding with this, forgery is often considered to be the world's most glamorous crime, packed with crime stories that are usually astonishing and often bizarre. From John Myatt whose working materials included household emulsion paint, to Wolfgang Beltracchi who performed perhaps the most sophisticated forgery scam that ever came to light, the art world is at times complicit in these forgers' successes, readily stepping into their traps and accepting forged artworks and their fabricated  past. This research addresses the practical issues involved in connoisseurship and authentication as well as the legal implications that arise when an artwork's authenticity is challenged. Next to that, the standards and processes of authentication are critically examined and the legal complications which can inhibit the expression of expert opinion are addressed. The research includes findings by economists, sociologists, art historians, academics and practitioners which all contribute to an insight into the mechanics and peculiarities of the art business and explain why its operation is so distinct from other markets.

The PhD defence will take place in the aula of Maastricht University's main building, Minderbroedersberg 4-6 in Maastricht.

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