EDLAB education research grants

EDLAB - Maastricht University Centre for Teaching & Learning invites Maastricht University staff to apply for an EDLAB education research grant à €10,000. The aim of this grant is to stimulate both academic and support staff to conduct short-term education research on a topic related to teaching & learning at UM.

Update regarding the 2024-25 grant call

We are delighted to share that we have received 13 applications this year representing a wide variety of intriguing research topics and inter-faculty/service centre collaborations. EDLAB Education Research Sounding Board (ERSB) members have conducted indepedent reviews, and on 11 April all ERSB members met together at EDLAB to evaluate each application in lively rounds of discussion. The winners of the EDLAB education research grants 2024-25 will be announced very soon, so stay tuned!

About the grant programme

Education research relevant for UM

Researchers and teachers sharing and developing ideas at UM Education Days

At EDLAB, we believe that education research is essential to maintaining Maastricht University's leadership in research-based education innovation. We therefore want to support theoretically informed and methodologically appropriate investigation of research questions aimed at developing understanding and contributing to the improvement of education. Projects typically focus on topics such as educational design, delivery, assessment, and teaching/learning experience, with implications for UM's problem-based learning & teaching environment.

This grant is also intended to serve as a stepping stone for researchers interested in applying for larger education grants, such as Comenius, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), and other NRO grants.

Interdisciplinary by design

UM Education Days, Education Research

Conducting education research often requires not only specific contextual and disciplinary knowledge but also theoretical knowledge and methodological approaches that differ from those common to other research disciplines. Therefore, this grant invites interdisciplinary collaboration and encourages the development of mentor-mentee relationships between staff members who are relatively less- and more experienced in conducting education research. Grant proposals can be submitted by teams of a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 6 members, who represent at least 2 different UM faculties/service centres.

Grant proposals are reviewed by the EDLAB Education Research Sounding Board (ERSB) comprising representatives from all six UM faculties, along with EDLAB Director Ellen Bastiaens, and Alice Pan, EDLAB Coordinator for Education Research.

Education research professional development

In relation to this grant programme, EDLAB offers an annual series of events and workshops designed to help participants learn and grow through the challenges specific to understanding and relating education research to teaching practice, as well as how to design and conduct education research in interdisciplinary teams.

Upcoming workshops will dive into topics ranging from “what is education research and how is it relevant for teaching practice?” to “education research design and methodology,” “education research data collection & analysis,” and even how to apply for higher level grants such as Comenius and NRO. More information about each event will be shared on the UM staff intranet. (Intranet login)