Dr E. Wesseling

From the start of her academic career, Elisabeth Wesseling has contributed to the development of new, interdisciplinary arts-and-sciences curricula, first at Utrecht University (Algemene Letteren), and then at Maastricht University (Cultuur- en Wetenschapsstudies).

She currently teaches in the following curricula:
- BA Arts and Culture: Main Periods in Literature and Art
- BA University College Maastricht: The Future of Literature
- MA Arts and Culture: Cultural Remembrance and the Arts: Colonial Creations, Postcolonial Contestations
- MPhil CAST (2-year research master Cultures of Arts, Sciences and Technologies: lectures, workshops, thesis supervision): Researching the Interrelations between the Sciences and the Arts

Since she joined the Fasos staff in 1991, she has coordinated and tutored the following courses:
- Intellectuelen op het breukvlak van twee eeuwen (drs. CWS)
- Me, Myself and I: (De-)Constructie van het subject (drs. CWS)
- Actuele Cultuurtheorie: Cultuur als begrenzing (drs. CWS)
- Postmodernisme (drs. CWS)
- Twee culturen (drs. CWS)
- Narrative and the Fixed Image (drs. CWS)
- Researching the Interrelations between the sciences and the arts (Mphil CAST)
- Skills training Academic Writing (drs. CWS)
- Gothic Fictions (UCM, BA ES)

She has also taught courses in the HOVO program of the UM (higher education for 50 plus students), mot notably:
- God in America: William James
- Family Photography

She has supervised numerous Bachelor and Master theses within the fields of postcolonialism, postmodernism and literature and science studies.

Other teaching- related activities:
- coordination bachelor specialization Literature, Art and Culture (2005-2011)
- Chair Curriculum Committe CWS (1995-2000)
- coordinator staff development teaching (2000-2004)
- coordinator TAC (Tranatlantic Cooperationon Problem Based Learning in the Humanities), sponsored by the EC and the Fipse (2002-2004)
- coordinator ForUM FdCW, a university based project for innovating problem-based learning at Maastricht University (2003)