Lucia Martinez Lorenzo (D.L.)

Lucía Martínez holds a Bachelor Degree in Law from Deusto University (Spain), with a minor in Public Law,; a LL.M. in Legal Practice from Universidad de Nebrija (Spain), and a Master in European Law School from Maastricht University (The Netherlands), with the specialization in Public Law and Governance.

She successfully passed the national Bar qualification exam in March 2018, and later that year, she became a member of the ICALugo.

In September 2018, Lucía started as a double PhD candidate in the cooperation programme between Maastricht University (The Netherlands) and Hasselt University (Belgium). Her PhD research is entitled “The impact of public procurement law on horizontal and vertical teaming of economic operators in construction projects. Reconciling effective and undistorted competition and the free market”, under the supervision of Prof. Mariolina Eliantonio and Prof. Steven van Garsse.