Dr C.J. van Leeuwen

Dr Charles van Leeuwen is currently teaching the following courses in the European Studies  programme:

Academic Research and Writing. Introduction, 1st year

The Idea of Europe (European Studies, 1st year)

After Babel. Language Policies in Europe (European Studies, 3rd year)

This course gives students a general introduction into the field of language policy, with a special regard to Europe, its countries and regions and the Institutions of the European Union. The course focuses on various topics: national languages, minority languages, multilingualism, language & society, language & identity, language & media, language & business, language planning.

Bachelor Thesis (ES & AC / CW) and Master Thesis

In general on topics in the following domains:
- Religious history of Europe
- Interreligious dialogue
- Language policy & planning

- Multilingualism
- Literary history