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  • Does Spain have a stong case from the perspective of the decentralised unitary state, to prevent Catalonia from the opportunity to gain independence, and therefore take numerous measures? (Dutch only)

  • It is also important to remember that democracy is about deliberation, the competition of ideas and the best way forward. A minority government led by the Christian Democrats is Germany’s best chance to come closer to that idea, and to fight against the idea that constitutional democracy is merely...

  • Let’s make one thing clear from the start. The Federal Republic of Germany is not facing a constitutional crisis – not by a long stretch. This is despite the Liberals walking away from exploratory negotiations on forming the next federal government with the Christian Democrats (CDU), the Christian...

  • Since “Champagne” is a protected designation of origin (PDO) under EU law, it is not self-evident whether a product that is not Champagne but which contains Champagne can use the protected term in its trade name.

  • referendum stembus

    Nogmaals referenda

    Nederland raakt niet uitgepraat over referenda. En dat is niet zo gek, gezien de recente ervaringen uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Spanje en natuurlijk het Oekraïne-referendum. In het regeerakkoord staat dat de Wet raadgevend referendum wordt ingetrokken. Wat moeten we nou van referenda vinden?

  • This book addresses concerns with the international trade and investment dispute settlement systems from a statist perspective, at a time when multilateralism is deeply questioned by the forces of mega-regionalism and political and economic contestation.

  • She decides: Arleen Foster, MLA, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party effectively pulls the strings on the Conservative minority government.

  • One year after the successful Brexit referendum, the cards are all on the European Union’s side. What Brexit means in such a climate is anyone’s guess, even twelve months later. 

  • One year after the successful Brexit referendum, the cards are all on the European Union’s sideWhat Brexit means in such a climate is anyone’s guess, even twelve months later. 

  • Theresa May’s gamble backfired badly. Now, everything is up in the air – including Brexit.