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  • Technology has become an integral part of our daily life. The rapid development of technology has brought enormous benefits to almost every industry. From self-driving cars to fitness/health monitors, new tech products are saving us a considerable amount of time, costs, and worries. Nevertheless...

  • The Yeomen of the Guard proceed to the Lords chamber on their way to undertake the first ceremony of State Opening, the checking of the cellars.

    Westminster's turn

    How the Supreme Court restored Parliament to its rightful place. That’s precisely what happened on Tuesday: The Supreme Court decided, by a 8-3 majority, to mandate that the triggering of Article 50 TEU can only take place after prior approval from both houses of Parliament.

  • While Europe holds its breath and follows the negotiations between Greece and its partners on the financial assistance, another ´piece in the puzzle` of the European attempts to contain the sovereign debt crisis has prominently featured in the press recently. The Court of Justice (CJEU) delivered...