Latest blog articles

  • An international working group has engaged in a project to create an international arbitration mechanism for business and stakeholders to resolve issues in the field of business and human rights. This may enable business to live up to its corporate responsibility to respect human rights thereby...

  • The well-known British James Bulger case is ‘celebrating’ its 25th anniversary. This revives the debate on how we should deal with children suspected and convicted of serious crimes.

  • Trevor Burrus claims that health care cannot be a fundamental right. He is not alone in saying this, but the way he says it is noteworthy. His article is not original (nor does it claim to be), but it represents an admirably clear retelling of an old story: Positive rights cannot be rights, this is...

  • The Strasbourg Court should change its approach to improve the effectiveness of justice systems in Europe.

  • This second post critically analyzes the decision of the Court, arguing that it is quite unconvincing from different perspectives.

  • On March 7, 2017, the CJEU concluded that EU law does not oblige Member States to issue humanitarian visa to Syrian individuals and families seeking international protection. Despite the humanitarian disaster in Syria, safe legal routes to Europe remain a mirage.

  • Following the conclusion (ratification) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the EU is bound by the Convention to the extent of its competences, including in the field of non-discrimination.

  • Passing a Dutch integration exam is mandatory for most non-EU immigrants. This should be done within 3 years after their arrival, under the threat of a fine or non-extension of the residency permit. The exam fee is 350 EUR. The preparation course costs 4000-5000 EUR on average.

  • When Trump tweeted "See you in Court, the security of our nation is at stake" he was absolutely right, but not as he intended it to mean. Because yes, courts are essential for the security of (the citizens of) the state.

  • This contribution argues that the Trump decree to end US financial support for health organisations which provide information about sexual and reproductive health rights is contrary to human rights. The response by the Dutch government is more in line with human rights.