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  • formatie

    Cabinet formation

    After Rutte's promise, Asscher did not get where he asked for and so he agreed. (Dutch only)

  • Recommendations to the new State Commission by Montesquieu Institute: confidence will not be recovered by large or small constitutional interventions. (Dutch only)

  • When Trump tweeted "See you in Court, the security of our nation is at stake" he was absolutely right, but not as he intended it to mean. Because yes, courts are essential for the security of (the citizens of) the state.

  • The UK Supreme Court has ruled: no Brexit without prior involvement of Parliament! It is often said that courts may enter the political domain as the representative of the people and the body to which governments should be accountable.

  • Trump for President MLR blogs

    Blind trust?

    May the US President appoint his son in law as advisor to the White House? For quite a lot formal appointments the President needs the advice and consent (permission) from the senate, but not here. Is it permissible? 

  • Published on LBM. Rutte has managed it eventually. The European council has adopted a legally binding document for the 28 member states in its decisions, on December 15th, 2016. The document relates to the EU-Ukraine association agreement that would help alleviate some concerns of those who voted...

  • What exactly are the legal instruments for the EU according the measures that have been introduced recently with regard to the constitutional court and in terms of the media law. This article is only available in Dutch.

  • It is often said that courts, when exercising judicial review or settling constitutional conflicts, may enter the political domain and take the seat of parliament or politics as the representative of the people and the body to which governments should be accountable. However, in light of quite a few...

  • In representative systems are not only about majority decisions, but also about comprimises to find majorities and maintain them. That's something we've seen in the Netherlands over the last couple of years... This blog is only available in Dutch. 

  • Several days ago, the French government forced the acceptance of a disputed law about - among other things - labour issues. Its treatment in parliament was incredibly labourious and almost 5000 amendments had been proposed... This blog is only available in Dutch.