Mr Claire Stalenhoef (A.C.)

As of April 2024, Claire Stalenhoef is affiliated with the METRO Institute of Transnational Legal Research at Maastricht University as a Ph.D. candidate and a member of the Ius Commune Research School. 

Her doctoral research, supervised by Prof. Michael Faure and Prof. Ton Hartlief, focuses on the handling and settlement of cross-border motor third party liability (MTPL) insurance claims. In her Ph.D. research, Claire examines the collaboration among insurance companies in managing these claims. 

Claire holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Utrecht University (Honours College Utrecht Law College, LLB 2019) and completed the LLM Master ‘Legal Research’, graduating cum laude, at Utrecht University in 2022. During her studies, Claire worked as a student research assistant for Prof. Henk Kummeling, the rector magnificus of Utrecht University. After completing her studies, Claire worked as a lawyer at a Dutch firm in the field of liability & insurance law.