WUN event: Effects of Brexit on higher education

On the 9th of February Maastricht University's Campus Brussels hosted a workshop of the Worldwide Univerisities Network (WUN) on Brexit. The event brought together over forty top representatives of the WUN network (from in- and outside the EU) to discuss the prospects of higher education in the aftermath of Brexit. Among them were representatives from the WUN network as well as from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the British Council, the Russel Group and the League of European Research Universities (LERU).


The seminar focused on looking for post BREXIT solutions in the global context, with an emphasis on policy development, processes and practical approaches to continue to stimulate international collaboration in research, education and mobility. Core to the purpose of this seminar was to come up with an action plan giving suggestions on how to continue working together and developing relations in future.

President of UM Prof. Martin Paul: “The key question is: what kind of relationship do we want to establish in light of Brexit? This event offered a unique platform for open discussions, with constructive examples from UK, EU & global universities towards continued collaboration in science, research and innovation in a global context.”

During the gathering, Robert Morgen, master’s student European Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences gave a presentation on the effects Brexit may have on students in which he stressed the importance of  ensuring learning mobility and studying abroad.

The video will give you a short impression of the event.

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