Past events

  • 04 Nov

    Experience Day | International Business

    Get a feel of what it’s like to study International Business at Maastricht University.

  • 04 Nov

    Experience Day | Economics & Business Economics

    Get a feel of what it’s like to study Economics & Business Economics at Maastricht University.

  • 01 Nov

    UCM - Experience Day - 1 November 2019

    During an Experience Day at University College Maastricht (UCM), prospective students get in-depth information from UCM staff members and students about the Liberal Arts and Sciences programme.

  • 09 Oct

    Experience Day | Economics & Business Economics

    Get a feel of what it’s like to study Economics & Business Economics at Maastricht University.

  • 09 Oct

    Experience Day | International Business

    Get a feel of what it’s like to study International Business at Maastricht University.

  • 08 Oct

    FPN Experience Day [EN]

    What’s it like to be a Psychology student at Maastricht University? Find out during the FPN Experience Day! You’ll attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group. Throughout the day you’ll be accompanied by advanced Psychology students who are happy to answer all your questions about studying...

  • 08 Oct

    FPN Experience Day [NL]

    What’s it like to be a Psychology student at Maastricht University? Find out during the FPN Experience Day! You’ll attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group. Throughout the day you’ll be accompanied by advanced Psychology students who are happy to answer all your questions about studying...

  • 03 Oct

    UCM - Experience Day - 3 October 2019

    During an Experience Day at University College Maastricht (UCM), prospective students get in-depth information from UCM staff members and students about the Liberal Arts and Sciences programme.

  • 25 Sep

    Experience Day | International Business

    Get a feel of what it’s like to study International Business at Maastricht University.