Introducing the new student employees

Starting this summer, we have two new student employees at UnliMited. The former employees, Sophia and Carolina, are being succeeded by Estella and Amélie!

If you would like to contact Estella or Amélie, you can reach them through 


Photo of Amélie

Amélie is currently doing her bachelor in European Law. She is passionate about disability awareness and creating a safe space for others. Being a neurodivergent student herself, she recognises what UnliMited members can go through. At the same time, she is also committed to listening to her peers and learning about their unique experiences.


Photo of Estella

Estella is currently studying a Bachelor in Psychology at FPN. As a neurodivergent student who struggles with chronic illnesses, she knows first hand how challenging student life can sometimes be. She looks forward to contributing to a community that empowers and supports students with a disability, chronic condition or neurodivergence. She aims to provide a safe space for students to connect to their peers and share their voice. 

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