UM grids and style characteristics

The layout of all UM communications (e.g., brochures and advertisements) consists of several style characteristics, such as the white band, logo and free space. Together, they are used in a basic grid that may differ for each communication medium. Templates are available for grids used regularly.

Check whether a template is available via "Printed and digital media". No templates are created for one-off-often unique media. You can contact one of the preferred suppliers, who are aware of all current corporate identity guidelines. The House Style Office can give advice if necessary.
Standard media such as posters and flyers can be made up via the templates in the publishing platform.

Grids and style characteristics sections:

  1. White Band (+ logo)
  2. Free space (Photos & illustrations)
  3. Image brand


Grid and style main

Grid Make-up

You can draw both vertical and horizontal construction lines every 5mm.

  • step 1: Determine which quadrant applies. Place the white band, including logo. See Logo location and white band height.
  • step 2: Check that the white band height at the bottom does not exceed that of the upper white band.
  • step 3: Determine the vertical edges of the free space.


The edges are usually 5mm or 10mm wide. The white parts on the left and right may not be wider than 1/2 of the white band and can be used for a:

  • white band
  • transparent white band
  • UM-colour transparent band
  • different UM-colour band
  • combination of the above




The UM house style works with transparent white or UM-coloured spaces over other coloured spaces and parts of photos or illustrations (especially in the free space’s vertical bands).

home style transparancy

White band

Grid and style white space and hook

Logo location and white band height

To place the logo, start from the fixed white space; this white space built in the eps. must always be maintained. The height of the white band is preferably a multiple of 5mm and may differ for each application.

logo plaatsing

Free space

The free space consists of that left after placing the white band at the top and (optional) white band at the bottom. This is where you can include photos and text.

In the free space you can:

  • only use UM colours in the prescribed proportions/values
  • use these colours in percentages
  • arrange the layout using horizontal and vertical construction lines at 5mm intervals

The free space may include the following elements:

  • image band
  • title and text band
  • illustration or photo band

The band heights are variable and can always be divided by 5mm.

Grid and style free space


Photos and illustrations

You can put photos and/or illustrations in the free space. To do so, you can use the UM 'image bank' if you wish.

When including images, please note the following:

  • try to choose photos and/or illustrations that harmonise with the house style colours
  • also, make sure that the photo or illustration is large enough (100% 300 dpi)
  • remember to supply the photo or illustration in rgb format

Please consult the list of preferred suppliers for photographers informed of the UM guidelines.

Image brand

For corporate media (quadrant 1) there are several options:
• image band with a photo (see example with bridge over the Maas)
• image band with a colored surface without a photograph
• no use of the image band

Organisational units that fall under quadrant 2 (endorsed-identity A-brands) are allowed to use their own image band; see the examples below. For more information on designing your own band please contact the House Style Office. You can also include text in the image band.

Grid and style image brand

Image band