Bachelor European Law School - numerus fixus


What is a numerus fixus?
A numerus fixus is a restriction on the number of places available in popular bachelor programmes. If the number of applicants for a fixus programme exceeds the number of available spots, a lottery or selection process determines who is allocated a place.

Why is there a numerus fixus for the European Law School?
Due to its unique curriculum and educational methods, the European Law School has grown rapidly in popularity in recent years. A fixus has been implemented to ensure we can cater to our students and maintain the same high quality of education we have consistently provided. 

What is an unweighted lottery system?
The unweighted lottery system is used to determine who will be granted a spot in the programme. Unlike common selection methods that rank applicants based on abilities and performance, the unweighted lottery relies on random selection. This ensures that all applicants have an equal chance of being admitted, regardless of their background, academic performance, or other criteria.

How many spots are available in the programme?
The European Law School has a capacity of 550 spots. If someone forfeits their place, the next candidate in the ranking (number 551) will be offered the spot, and so on. 

What are the key dates I need to remember?
Please visit this page to consult the important dates and updated deadlines. 


When do I need to apply? 
The deadline for completing the entire application process for both EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA applicants is January 15th 2025, 23:59 CET. 

What should I do if I miss the January 15th application deadline?
Unfortunately, late applications are not accepted. If you do not complete your application on time you will have to apply the following year. 

Is there a difference in the application process for Dutch and non-Dutch students?
No. Unweighted lottery is based on 100% equal opportunity for all applicants and no differentiation is made between Dutch and non-Dutch students. 


When will the ranking numbers be announced?
Applicants will receive their personal ranking number on April 15th, 2025. The list of rankings is established in a random order. If you have obtained a spot within the European Law School bachelor, you must redeem your proof of placement in Studielink within two weeks of receiving your ranking. 

What should I do if I don't get a spot?
Your chances of getting a spot depend entirely on your ranking number and the total number of applications we receive. If someone within the top 550 forfeits their place, the next person in line automatically receives it. Therefore, for example if you are ranked 600, there is still a good chance you might get a spot. 

If you have any questions about the numerus fixus please contact
If you have questions specifically about admission and registration please contact