Overview outages

25-06-2024 | 16:50 | We have fixed the issues regarding the Student Portal. Everything is working as intended again.

25-06-2024 | 16:00 | We are currently experiencing an issue with the Student Portal. My Courses, My Timetable and other data might not be visible. 

20-06-2024 | 13:30 | Pure issues are resolved.

20-06-2024 | 09:30 | At the moment we are experiencing issues with Pure. Therefore, Pure cannot be used. The supplier of the system is working on this issue. We expect that the issue will be resolved within 8u. hours. Maastricht University | Maastricht UMC+ Research Information is available. 

23-05-2024 | 14:30 | Canon has resolved the printer outage.

23-05-2024 | 13:30 | We are experiencing problems with our print service. Print jobs may not arrive at the printer. Our supplier Canon is investigating this issue with priority.

29-04-2024 | 11:25| UPDATE - Canon updated the software on the printserver in order to resolve the printissues.

26-04-2024 | 17:55 | UPDATE - In order to resolve the issues Canon is updating the software on the printserver.

26-04-2025 | 15:45 | RESOLVED - We are experiencing issues with our printing service. Print jobs may not be reaching the printer. Scanning may not be functioning properly or may be experiencing delays. Our supplier Canon is addressing this issue as a priority.

24-04-2024 | 09:50 | RESOLVED - Yesterday we experienced problems with the printing service. Initially, students were unable to print, and later on, employees encountered the same issues. Our supplier Canon has since resolved the problems.

23-04-2024 | 14:30 | UPDATE - Meanwhile, employees also seem to be experiencing issues. Prints appear to be not coming out of the printer, or with a really big delay. 

23-04-2024 | 14:00 | RESOLVED - Today we are experiencing issues with the printing service. Students may not be able to print. Employees are not or hardly experiencing any problems. Our supplier Canon has prioritised addressing this issue.

22-04-2024 | 18:20 | RESOLVED - Our supplier Canon resolved the print issue. You may need to sent unprinted jobs to the printer again.

22-04-2024 | 17:10 | UPDATE - To temporarily resolve the problem, the print-queue will be emptied as soon as possible. Unprinted jobs may need to sent to the printer again. Canon will continue their investigation in finding a definitive solution.

22-04-2024 | 15:35 | RESOLVED - We are experiencing issues with our print service. Sending print jobs may be slow, prints may not come out of the printer or will be printed with a delay. Our supplier Canon is addressing this issue with the highest priority.

21-04-2024 | 18:00 | RESOLVED - All services can be accessed again.

21-04-2024 | 16:00 | RESOLVED - We are experiencing login issues with some services. These are: Studentportal, Student Intranet, Canvas, Timetable, SuccessFactors and others. We're investigating the issue.

16-04-2024 | 09:50 | RESOLVED - We were experiencing issues with the Corsa application. Corsa was not useable. 

04-04-2024 | 10:30 | RESOLVED  - We are experiencing issues with our printer service. Logging into the printers may be slow, and prints may not come out. Our supplier Canon is prioritizing the analysis of the problem and will soon work on a solution.

04-04-2024 |08:30 | UPDATE  - To temporarily resolve the problem, the print-queue was emptied yesterday at 22:00. We are still working on a definitive solution.

02-04-2024 | 12:55 | RESOLVED - At this moment, we are experiencing issues with Canvas. The supplier is working on resolving the problem. For more information, please refer to our supplier's status page.

26-03-2024 | 09:28 | RESOLVED - The Student Portal was unavailable for 15 minutes. The issue has been resolved.

01-03-2024 | 11:43| RESOLVED - Printing issue -  The outage has been resolved yesterday evening at 18:30. The print services are fully available again.