15 Mar
14:30 - 16:00
Roundtable online

Roundtable ‘Brazil and the EU on Circular Economy’


Experts and the international community agree on the need to transitioning from a linear “take-make-dispose” economy to a circular economy as a way to address environmental planetary crisis. A circular economy – where materials and products are reused and regenerated – can also foster socio-economic development. The transition to a circular economy may create new trade opportunities and risks, including for trading partners.  The shift towards a circular economy raises important questions, such as: How to design circular regulations (e.g., definitions, objectives, types of measures)?  How can domestic circular economy initiatives be coordinated at a bilateral or multilateral level to avoid trade disruptions? How can trade policies and regulations enable an inclusive transition that leaves no one behind? 

This online Roundtable Discussion on “European and Brazilian Approaches to a Circular Economy seeks to answer some of these questions promoting a discussion about circular economy regulations in the European Union and in Brazil among representatives from the public and private sector, and academia.    

The rountable is co-organized by the Globalization and Law Group, of the Faculty of Law, Maastricht University, the Brazilian Foreign Trade Chamber (Câmara de Comércio Exterior - CAMEX), of the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, the Secretary of International Affairs and Development, of the Brazilian Ministry of Planning and Finance, the University Centre of Brasília (Ceub) and the Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolviment e Pesquisa (IDP). 

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