Mykhaylo Bogachov, PhD student

PhD student in ethics and epistemology of AI from Kyiv, Ukraine.


In my project "Performativity in generative AI: a normative approach" (2024-2028), I examine how the use of LLM-based AI systems might influence moral and epistemic norms in societies. I focus on performativity in machine learning, a phenomenon where the outputs of ML systems transform the very things they model. I am interested in how such feedback loops might influence moral behavior and moral beliefs, whether the normative theories we use to evaluate the impact of generative AI might need to be updated in the light of these performative effects, and how. My project is part of the GENIUS lab, a joint initiative between Maastricht University and TU Delft.


I have a BA in literature and an MA in social philosophy from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine. I have also been a visiting researcher in ethics and epistemology of AI at the Leibniz University Hannover and the University of Tübingen.


I am also interested in philosophy of art and sound studies. In 2018–2022, I was assistant curator at Ukho Music, a Kyiv-based curatorial agency specializing in contemporary classical, improvised, and experimental music.