08 Dec

Inaugural lecture Prof. dr. Simon Beausaert

Appointed professor ‘Learning and Development in Organisations’ in the School of Business and Economics

"Context matters! De lerende organisatie ontrafeld"

We all live and work in a rapidly changing society. Organizations operate in this complex environment and to cope with these dynamics, organizations realize all too well the importance of having competent, flexible employees. As a result, many organizations are putting lifelong learning high on the strategic agenda. Lifelong learning only really gets a chance when the organization supports learning and when higher education prepares future employees for lifelong development. What does the term lifelong learning mean, how can an organization best support lifelong learning and how can higher education prepare future employees in such a way that they become lifelong learners and stay employable throughout their careers? In his inaugural lecture, Simon Beausaert addresses these three questions.

Click here for the live stream.