EARA: Week of Openness - Animal research at Maastricht University

Maastricht University (UM) invites all of you to learn more on animal experimentation and discuss this with our researchers on November 22nd, from 16.30h – 17.30 h.

Nowadays, researchers constantly take the 3R policy into account when designing and carrying out animal experiments in order to reduce the use of laboratory animals and improve their quality of life. This 3R policy focuses on Replacement (carrying out an experiment (partially) without laboratory animals), Reduction (conducting an experiment with fewer laboratory animals) and Refinement (designing an experiment in such a way that the laboratory animals experience as little discomfort as possible).

 At Maastricht University we also follow this policy. While we strive for alternative approaches to complement and ultimately replace animal testing, we also know that biomedical research with animals is still necessary today to contribute to scientific and medical progress in the upcoming future. During our Zoom event as part of the Week of Openness we will bring forward how we include the three R’s in our work and why we think that animal research is still necessary and where it contributes to medical progress.

Maastricht University is participating in the Open Week 2023 (from 16 to 23 November) in the context of the Dutch Transparency Agreement on Animal Testing. Various signatories are organizing activities in which they discuss animal testing. For the full programme, visit: https://www.stichtinginformatiedierproeven.nl/nieuws/in-gesprek-over-dierproeven-tijdens-open-week/


  • The head of Maastricht University’s Animal Facility, Dr. Andreas Teubner, will give an introduction on animal research and animal well being at Maastricht University.

  • Professor Martijn van Griensven (regenerative medicine) will give a talk titled ‘From lab to bedside: where animals help developing new therapies’

  • Dr. Veerle Melotte (cancer biologist with research interest in cancer neuroscience) will elaborate on her research in the talk ‘Passage through the gut: how mice help understanding gut function’

Afterwards, you are invited to ask your questions to the researchers. The event will be moderated by Inge Meilink of Van Luyken/Stichting Informatie Dierproeven (SID). The talks will be in English. Asking questions can be done in Dutch.

You will find more information on the research in the Central Animal Facility in these 'behind the scenes' video’s:


Andreas Teubner, head of the Central laboratory animal facility on the well-being of laboratory animals and the laws and regulations of animal research

Ludwig Dubois, Associate Professor at the Department of Precision Medicine on research concerning new anti-cancer treatments

Jo Vanoevelen, Assistant Professor at the Department of Clinical Genetics on researching the genetic causes of heart failure