22 Nov
09:00 - 11:00

CPD Workshop: Meaningful Professionalisation

In this two-hour workshop, we will take a closer look at the relevance of reflection in the professional development of teachers and learners.


Making your professionalisation more meaningful for your teaching practices (and vice versa)
At face value, we will all agree that reflecting on your practice is an important tool to understand and monitor your progress and professional growth. Thus making professionalisation meaningful. But what exactly is reflection? Why is it important, and what are helpful models that can support you to reflect effectively? In this two-hour workshop, we will take a closer look at these questions and highlight the relevance of reflection in the professional development of teachers and learners.

About the trainer
Eveline Persoon (EDLAB) is a programming and logistics coordinator for the CPD programme at EDLAB. Passionate about teaching, learning and psychology, Eveline teaches psychology courses at UCM and facilitates CPD activities at EDLAB. During her Bachelor's in Education, Eveline was introduced to the power of reflection and the ALACT model by Fred Korthagen. She still applies these principles and the model in her own professionalisation and would now like to share these practices with others.