27 Oct

Inaugural lecture Prof. dr. Federico De Martino

Appointed professor of 'Sensory Circuits and Neuroimaging' in the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience

"Unraveling the past, present and future in the auditory brain. The Benefits of ultra-high field functional MRI"

For ages, humans have been curious about how we make sense of the world around us. Do we just react to what our senses tell us, or is there more to it? Mounting evidence suggests that our brains process the information that hits our senses in order to build a mental model of what has caused these inputs and predict what will happen next. In other words, our brains are constantly predicting the future based on what they perceive now and what has happened before.

In this lecture, I will discuss how modern neuroimaging techniques, such as ultra-high field functional MRI (UHF fMRI), allow us to understand how perception is grounded in the neural architecture of our brain. I will show how we can use UHF fMRI to explore if and how the neural architecture we are endowed with allows us to use past and present sounds in order to predict what we will hear in the future. 

Click here for the live stream.