09 Oct

PhD conferral Samantha Pasca

Promotores: Prof. dr. Hugo Ten Cate, Prof. dr. Pier Mannuccio Mannucci

Co-promotor: Dr. E. Zanon

Keywords: Acquired hemophilia A; Rare bleeding disorders; Coagulation

"An Overview in Acquired Hemophilia A: A Rare but Complicated Disease"

This thesis focused on acquired hemophilia A, a rare coagulation disorder that equally affects males and females. However, there are two different peaks of incidence: in older age and, in the case of young women, during pregnancy/puerperium. This thesis analyzed, in particular, diagnostic difficulties and the main treatments currently available to clinicians, highlighting their pros and cons.

Flow charts were designed to allow clinicians, who find themselves having to manage patients with acquired hemophilia A, to follow well-defined and clear diagnostic-therapeutic pathways. This thesis also discussed the cost of treatment and the need to establish training courses for clinicians and laboratory medicine experts to suspect hemophilia A in the shortest time possible.

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