13 Jul

PhD conferral Nordine Es-Sadki

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bart Verspagen

Co-supervisor: Dr. René Wintjes

Keywords: science-industry links, technology transfer, valorisation of knowledge

"Technology transfer in Europe-An economic analysis of formal technology transfer activities of universities, research institutes and firms"

The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of formal technology transfer activities of universities, research institutes and firms in Europe. The thesis analyses the interactions between these actors at different levels, the country, the region and the organisational level. Furthermore, internal and external factors influencing the technology transfer activities of these actors are analyzed. The thesis has shown that country differences in formal technology transfer activities can be explained by differences in the institutional characteristics of universities and research institutes and the (regional) economic environment. Furthermore quality competition, as measured by university rankings, decreases technology transfer suggesting limited demand for knowledge of universities. The thesis has also shown that barriers to technology transfer by firms are observed differently when controlling for those with experience and those without. The thesis recommends developing new measures of formal technology transfer as the traditional measures give no knowledge of any economic or social impact beyond the established collaboration or transfer of technology between two parties.

Language: English

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