06 Jul

PhD conferral Nienke Verstegen

Supervisors: Prof. dr. V. de Vogel, Prof. dr. R. Didden (Radboud University, Nijmegen)

Keywords: forensic psychiatry, aggression incidents, victims, forensic psychiatric hospital

"Hurt people hurt people- Characteristics and impact of inpatient aggression in forensic mental health care"

Patients in forensic psychiatric hospitals have committed severe offenses due to mental health problems and are offered treatment to reduce the risk of recidivism. To some extent, it is inevitable that aggression incidents occur during this treatment. These incidents can have detrimental consequences for victims and bystanders. Two questions are addressed in this thesis: Who are the patients that cause these aggression incidents? What impact do these incidents have on patients and professionals? The answers to these questions provide important avenues for improving safety in forensic mental health care.

Language: Dutch

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