23 May
09:30 - 11:30

CPD Workshop: Positive Health

After some turbulent times, it is valuable to reflect on our own health and well-being. We will tackle questions such as: Which elements influence health? What is most important to you in life regarding your health and well-being? Thereafter, a translation will be made into practice: how can we as professionals contribute to the resilience and personal and professional development of our students?

This training will introduce the basic principles of Positive Health and how to apply these principles in your work with students. The sessions consist of theory, self-reflection and practical exercises.

After following this workshop, you are able to:

  • Take a broader look at your own health and well-being and of the student,
  • Gain insight into the student’s resilience,
  • Take on a coaching role when talking with students about resilience and positive health,
  • Guide students to further develop their resilience and health,
  • Guide students on how to take control in dealing with the physical, emotional and social challenges in life.

About the trainers

In these challenging times, student mental health has never been more important. Students might not always have the required skills yet to overcome the challenges they are faced with. Therefore the UM Psychologists and the UM Wellbeing Movement strive to make students more resilient and provide them with sufficient means to acquire skills that promote well-being during their studies and further in their professional careers and life. At UM, there are many initiatives, programmes and plans that can contribute to student well-being and at the end of this workshop, we will provide you with an introduction and overview of these ventures. Already interested? A broad range of (online) lectures, workshops and training sessions have been developed for students to develop themselves personally and professionally. Check out the complete offer: www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/student-wellbeing

Further information

Target group: Tutors, Mentors & Course coordinators

Where: EDLAB, Tapijn X, 0.110

Duration: 1 x 2 hour workshop

PLEASE NOTE that this workshop will take place on-site at EDLAB

A note about the costs
EDLAB is currently offering all CPD activities free of charge. Please note however that we have paid to develop and offer this session together with the trainers, so if you sign up but cannot attend, we would greatly appreciate it if you could give us at least 5 days’ notice so that we can advertise your spot to others who may be interested. Cancellation without at least 5 days’ notice or failure to show up may result in your department being charged the full cost price.

EDLAB reserves the right to postpone this event should a minimum of 6 participants not be reached.

Activity full or can’t make this date? Then sign up for the waiting list, and we’ll let you know as soon as this event is scheduled again.