
M-BEES and M-BEPS symposia on 17 June and 18 June 2024

The 16th Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (M-BEES) and the 9th Maastricht Behavioral Economic Policy Symposium (M-BEPS) took place at our School of Business and Economics on 17 June to 18 June 2024.

Michèle Belot (Cornell University), Nida Broughton (Director of Economic Policy at the Behavioural Insights Team), Sigrid Suetens (Tilburg University) and Roberto Weber (University of Zurich) gave inspiring keynote presentations. 

We wish to thank our keynote speakers and nearly 100 international scholars and practitioners for sharing their views on the latest research in behavioral and experimental economics and on how the insights from this research are integrated in policy and practice. 

Please find the detailed program of the symposia here:

We look forward to seeing you in 2025 at the next editions of M-BEES and M-BEPS!

New UM-BIC grants

We are happy to announce that UM-BIC will provide seed funding for the following new projects:

Interdisciplinary seeding grants:

  • Generative AI and Work – Experimental evidence for the healthcare sector (project team: Marie-Christine Fregin, Didier Fouarge, Mark Levels and Nicholas Rounding)
  • Moderation of the effect of financial constraints on risk attitudes by guaranteed outcomes (project team: Anouk Festjens and Jona Linde)
  • Selfish when uncertain? A physiological and behavioral assessment (project team: Daylín Góngora Lleonart, Conny Quaedflieg and Arno Riedl) 

Seeding grant for research developed in co-creation with practice:

  • The Economics of Healthdata Ecosystems (project team: Rudolf Müller, Stefan Terstiege and Elias Tsakas)

We wish our colleagues all the best for the implementation of their projects!

Experimental Sustainable Finance Symposium on April 24-26

Picture of Experimental Sustainable Finance Symposium

On April 24-26, the Experimental Sustainable Finance Symposium took place at Nijmegen School of Management in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The event was organized by UM-BIC member Dr. Peiran Jiao (Dept. of Finance, SBE, UM), jointly with Dr. Sascha Füllbrunn (Radboud University Nijmegen) and Dr. Sébastien Duchêne (Montpellier Business School). The event was sponsored by the UM-BIC grant program, as well as the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung and Nijmegen School of Management’s hotspot Integrated Decision Making. Presenters and participants of the event came internationally from both academia and the finance industry. After the event, the organizers jointly drafted a report on the topic and posted on SSRN:

Publication Peiran Jiao in Review of Financial Studies

UM-BIC member Dr. Peiran Jiao’s paper Investor Memory, co-authored with former center members Prof. Dr. Paul Smeets (University of Amsterdam) and Dr. Katrin Gödker (Bocconi), has recently been accepted for publication at the Review of Financial Studies. The final version of the paper is available on SSRN:

Paper Peiran Jiao Wins 2024 Vernon L. Smith Excellence Award

UM-BIC member Dr. Peiran Jiao’s paper Attention Constraints and Learning in Categories, co-authored with Dr. Rahul Bhui (MIT), has won the 2024 Vernon L. Smith Excellence Award. The award was established by Nobel laureate Prof. Vernon L. Smith. Each year a committee of experts jointly make the decision to awarded to the best paper published in the field of experimental finance in the previous year. The paper was published in 2023 in Management Science.

Here is the link to the paper:

Here is the link to the award:

New Netspar Theme Grants

Members of UM-BIC have been awarded two new Netspar Theme Grants:

  • Thomas Post has received a Netspar Theme Grant on the topic “Pension Planning in the Age of AI – What can we learn from Digital Peers?” More information can be found here .
  • Anouk Festjens, Jona Linde, Thomas Meissner and Peter Werner will work on the Theme Grant project “Risk preference measurement and risk communication – A large-scale comparison of methods and its implications for the pension industry” that is funded and carried out under the auspices of Instituut Gak. Details about the project can be found here .

    We wish our colleagues success with the implementation of their research.

APG podcast/ Global Women's Forum: 'Money for women' Episode 1

Annette Mosman (APG board of directors), Lisa Brüggen (professor of financial services at SBE and director of Netspar), Jorgo Goossens (strategist at APG and assistant professor of finance) and Annemieke Mol (director of Experience Center of PwC) - led by host Inge Diepman - discussed the financial independence of women in the APG podcast 'Money for women'. 

Click on the link below to listen to the podcast

2023 UM-BIC grants for research developed in co-creation with practice

Four new M-BIC Seeding Grants for research developed in co-creation with practice have been awarded to the following projects: 

  • Hand Washing Angels - Open science infrastructure (research team: Edward Huizenga, Serena Domingos, Stefan Phang)
  • Testing TeamELo (research team: Jona Linde, Thomas de Haan)
  • Eco-Innovations: Transforming Hotel Habits for a Greener Future (research team: Tim Döring, Chekitan Dev)
  • Energy price expectations and household conservation behavior (research team: Juan Palacios, Linde Kattenberg)

Congratulations to our colleagues and all the best for their research projects!

2023 UM-BIC Interdisciplinary Seeding Grants

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2023 UM-BIC Interdisciplinary Seeding Grants:

  • Alexander Vostroknutov & Peiran Jiao: Norms make investors socially responsible
  • Elias Tsakas, Giannis Lois, Kenneth Yue & Arno Riedl: The dynamics of belief updating and the role of social identity
  • Tim Hilken, Sammy Wals, Ines Wilms & Alexia Briassouli: Excitement in digital marketing: from videos to virtual reality

We wish them much success for their research projects!

New UM-BIC grants for research developed in co-creation with practice

We are happy to announce that two UM-BIC Seeding Grants for research developed in co-creation with practice have recently been awarded. UM-BIC will support the following projects:

  • Labour market information on study choice: One-size–fits-all? (Research team: Didier Fouarge, Annemarie Künn-Nelen and Sandra Perez Rodriguez)
  • Measuring the Propensity to Spread Fake-News on Social Media: Leveraging the `Wisdom of the Crowds’ and Multilevel Regression with Post-stratification to make Representative Inference’ (Research team: Roberto Cerina, Giulia Piccillo and Francois t’Serstevens)

For their new research projects, we wish our colleagues all the best!

International scholars and practitioners discuss behavioral insights at two symposia (M-BEES & M-BEPS) hosted at SBE


The 14th Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (M-BEES) and the 7th Maastricht Behavioral Economic Policy Symposium (M-BEPS) took place at our School of Business and Economics from June 7 to June 8, 2022.

We thank Martin Kocher (Federal Minister of Labor & Federal Minister of Digital and Economic Affairs, Republic of Austria), Botond Kőszegi (Central European University), George Loewenstein (Carnegie Mellon University) and Friederike Mengel (University of Essex & Lund University) for their inspiring keynote presentations. Nearly 80 presentations from international scholars and practitioners gave a broad overview of the current state of research in behavioral and experimental economics as well as how behavioral insights are integrated in policy and practice. The detailed program can be found via:

UM-BIC researchers publish newest edition of their impact brochure “Financiële Veerkracht” together with Wijzer in Geldzaken

Thomas Post for Money Wise
UM-BIC researcher Thomas Post presenting at Pensioen3daagse 2021

Since 2017, Lisa Brüggen and Thomas Post, both members of UM-BIC, work together with Wijzer in Geldzaken (English: Money Wise), an initiative of the Dutch Ministry of Finance, in which partners from the financial sector, science, government and education, information, and consumer organizations join forces to promote financial fitness in the Netherlands. Every year, they select 5 recent articles which provide answers to the pressing question: “How can we effectively nudge people into dealing with their pension plans?” and translate the key results into easily understandable summaries which make up the annual brochure “Financiële Veerkracht” (in Dutch). This brochure is distributed to managers from pension providers and pension funds to get easy access to well-funded information how to communicate with customers more effectively. This year’s anniversary edition of the “Financiële Veerkracht” include helpful tips such as:

  • Communicate in monthly pension amounts (instead of abstract and large pension pots)
  • Frame messages positively (fear does not work well for pensions).

To increase the impact of their engagement with Wijzer in Geldzaken, Lisa Brüggen and Thomas Post also regularly present the results of academic research in the context of practitioner-oriented meetings such as the Pensioen3daagse 2021.

UM-BIC supports research project "Facts vs. Feelings"

Lisa Brüggen, Jenna Barrett, and Jens Hogreve (from left to right, missing: Jan van den Brakel)
Research team "Facts vs. Feelings" (Lisa Brüggen, Jenna Barrett, and Jens Hogreve, missing: Jan van den Brakel)

Better late than never: Congratulations to the research team of the project "Facts vs. Feelings: Financial well-being correspondence" which was already  awarded with the UM-BIC Interdisciplinary Seeding Grant in 2021. 

We wish our colleagues all the best with the progress of their relevant project.

Further information about the UM-BIC grant programs can be found here