Pre-master Psychology

Does your degree not give you access to the UM master Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN)? This pre-master is a preparation programme that bridges the gap between your previous education and the master Psychology. Upon successful completion of this pre-master's programme within one academic year*, you will be directly admissible to one specialisation of the UM master Psychology in the subsequent academic year, provided that you also meet any of the master's additional admission requirements. 

*Students who cannot finish the pre-master Psychology within one academic year are not able to fulfil the requirements for admission to the master Psychology and will not be admitted to the master Psychology.

Please note: this pre-master does not give access to any programme other than the master Psychology.

On this page, you will find important details of the application process for the pre-master (such as deadlines, admission requirements, required documents and application assessment). Check if you qualify for admission to this pre-master’s programme.


Programme content
Study fee
Admission requirements: previous education
Additional admission requirements
How to apply
How do we assess your application?


If after carefully reading all the information on this page, you still have questions, please send them to

Programme content

The pre-master Psychology covers 27 ECTS in statistics and research methods, 10 ECTS in academic writing (in English), and 23 ECTS in theoretical courses and skills training covering general knowledge of psychology. The programme is made up of courses from the UM bachelor Psychology.

The pre-master Psychology entails a total of 60 credits, unless the Board of Admissions decides that you only need to complete a subset of the courses of the pre-master based on your academic background. In the latter case, the courses you need to take are tailored to your previous education.

Education and Examination Regulations
There is an EER (Education and Examination Regulations) for this pre-master's programme.

Study fee

The amount of the study fee for a pre-master’s programme depends on the number of ECTS credits that need to be obtained during the academic year, which is decided by the Board of Admissions. The full pre-master's programme entails 60 ECTS and costs € 2,314, a tailored programme costs € 38.57 per ECTS.

For more information, see the UM enrolment provisions (art. 28). 

Admission requirements: previous education

The admission requirements for academic year 2023-2024 for the pre-master Psychology depend on your previous education. Please check which requirements apply to you.

Please note that the combination of the completed programme of the pre-master’s in Psychology in combination with the completed programme of the master Psychology does not guarantee that you fulfil all requirements for admission to clinical post-master education, which will most probably be the case for the majority of applicants.

Non-Dutch university bachelor Psychology

All other university bachelor’s programmes

Who can apply for the pre-master Psychology?
Students can apply  if they do not meet the master Psychology admission requirements but can prove they have a deficiency of only 60 or less ECTS credits regarding the admission requirements for the master Psychology.

Admission pre-master Psychology
Whether you qualify for admission will be assessed by the Board of Admissions.

Dutch university of applied sciences (HBO) bachelor Psychology

Who can apply for the pre-master Psychology?
Students can apply if they do not meet the master Psychology admission requirements but can prove they have a deficiency of only 60 or less ECTS credits regarding the admission requirements for the master Psychology.

Admission pre-master Psychology
Whether you qualify for admission will be assessed by the Board of Admissions.

Non-Dutch university of applied sciences (HBO) bachelor Psychology

Who can apply for the pre-master Psychology?
Students can apply if they do not meet the master Psychology admission requirements but can prove they have a deficiency of only 60 or less ECTS credits regarding the admission requirements for the master Psychology.

Admission pre-master Psychology
Whether you qualify for admission will be assessed by the Board of Admissions.

All other bachelor’s degrees from universities of applied sciences (HBO) (Dutch and non-Dutch)

Who can apply for the pre-master Psychology?
Students can apply if they do not meet the master Psychology admission requirements but can prove they have a deficiency of only 60 or less ECTS credits regarding the admission requirements for the master Psychology.

Admission pre-master Psychology
Whether you qualify for admission will be assessed by the Board of Admissions.

Additional admission requirements


Language requirements

As English is the language of instruction in this study programme, it is essential that your English language skills are good enough for you to undertake intensive and challenging academic courses that are taught and examined in English.

Answer the questions below to find out if you meet the language requirements.


Handling fee

Prospective pre-master’s students who received their previous education in a non-EU/EEA country will have to pay a handling fee. More information on this handling fee and how to arrange this payment can be found on the Handling fee web page.

How to apply

Ready to apply? The application and enrolment process consists of three phases. More information on each of these phases is provided below. Carefully read through the information provided and make sure to complete all tasks as soon as possible (and definitely before the indicated deadlines).

Important deadlines

Phase 1: Apply via Studielink

Let us know you want to apply for this study programme

To start the application process for this pre-master's programme, you first need to apply via Studielink. Studielink is the Dutch central organisation that keeps track of applications and enrolments at institutions of higher education in the Netherlands. In Studielink, you can apply by indicating which study programme at Maastricht University (UM) you would like to apply for, whether you’d like to start the programme in September or February (if the latter is an option), what previous education you followed, and you might need to provide a number of other details.

  • In Studielink, select ‘Maastricht University’ in the first drop-down menu (‘Educational institution’).
  • Do not select anything in the other drop-down menus (Type of study programme, Academic load, Main language).
  • Type ‘pre-master’ followed by the name of the programme in the search field. You can now select the pre-master of your choice in the result overview.
  • You have to select your ‘starting moment’ in Studielink. Please make sure to select the right month and year in the dropdown-menu, so that you are applying for a start of the study programme in next academic year. 
  • You will receive an email from UM within 24 hours of having applied in Studielink. This email contains your username/UM student number and a link to create your personal password. You can use these login details to access the MyApplication portal, the online environment in which the rest of your application process will take place. The portal will provide you with a clear overview of all the tasks you need to complete, such as uploading documents and paying your study fees.

Studielink offers two methods of signing in: with or without using DigiD:

  • If you live in a Dutch municipality, you can only register using your DigiD. If you live in a Dutch municipality, but do not yet have a DigiD yet, you will need to request one (Apply for a DigiD).
  • If you do not (yet) live in the Netherlands, you can register by creating a Studielink account (without DigiD). As your personal details will not have been verified through DigiD, UM will check your personal details.

Apply via Studielink  

Phase 2: Admission

Allow UM to assess if you meet the admission requirements

MyApplication portal

To allow UM to assess whether you qualify for admission to the study programme of your choice, you need to complete a number of tasks in the MyApplication portal, the online environment in which the rest of your application process will take place. All the tasks you need to complete, such as uploading certain documents, will be presented here in a clear overview. You can log into the portal using your username/UM student number and the password you have created (your login name and an explanation on how to create your own password are provided in the email you received from us after your application in Studielink).

Make sure you fulfil the tasks indicated in the MyApplication portal on time. This means that you should upload documents as soon as you have finalised them and/or have them in your possession. The sooner you complete a task, the sooner we can give you feedback if you need to add or correct anything. Please pay attention to the deadlines indicated, as they can differ per study programme.

Once you have completed all of your admission tasks, your application dossier is ready to be presented to the Board of Admissions. Depending on your programme, this will be done immediately when it is complete (rolling basis), or after an indicated deadline.

Required documents

During the application process for this pre-master's programme, you will need to complete a number of tasks for which you will often have to upload documents in the ‘MyApplication portal’:

  • A recent passport picture
    The passport picture must satisfy certain requirements.
  • A copy of your valid passport or your EU/EEA identity card
    Make a copy of the page with your personal details. Save this copy as ‘passport copy’ and not as ‘passport picture’.
  • A certified copy of your most recent grades transcript
  • A certified copy of your bachelor’s diploma or in case you have not yet graduated, you can upload your official grades transcript of your bachelor's programme.
  • Curriculum vitae
    The CV form that needs to be filled in will be offered to you in the MyApplication portal under the task ‘Upload CV’.
  • Academic background form
    The academic background form that needs to be filled in will be offered to you in the MyApplication portal under the task ‘Upload academic background form’.
  • Statistics and methodology checklist
    The statistics and methodology checklist that needs to be filled in will be offered to you in the MyApplication portal under the task ‘Upload statistics and methodology checklist’.
  • A copy of your English language test with sufficient results (if applicable, please answer the questions under 'Language requirements' higher up on this page, to find out if you need to provide additional documentation)
  • A motivation letter
    The motivation letter that needs to be filled in will be offered to you in the MyApplication portal under the task ‘Upload motivation letter’.


Please note:
- Make sure to upload the documents in the MyApplication Portal in a PDF or Word-format. Do not upload Zip files or files in another format, we cannot open these files.
- We only take complete applications into consideration.
- All documents must be in English.
- Avoid last-minute application stress! Last-minute applications may delay the communication of your application outcome.


Status updates about your application

From now on, you will receive important information and calls to action regarding your application in the message inbox in the MyApplication portal. We recommend that you regularly log in to the portal to make sure you stay updated. However, we will also notify you of important changes via the email address you provided to Studielink. 

Phase 3: Enrolment

Arrange the practical matters required to start your studies at UM

Once you have been offered a place in the pre-master's programme, you need to arrange your enrolment. The tasks you need to complete to be enrolled are listed in the MyApplication portal under ‘Enrolment tasks’. You can find a brief overview below.

Pay your study fee

Every applicant will need to pay their study fee. More information on how to go about arranging your study fee payment is provided in the task description in the MyApplication portal.

Once you’ve received an invite to pay your study fee, it is important that you indicate how you wish to arrange your payment (in Studielink). Do so on time (in any case before the start of your studies). Please also make sure that you pay (the first instalment of) your study fee in a timely manner. Otherwise, you won’t be able to start your studies.

Allow UM to verify your diploma

Dutch diplomas
Did you acquire the diploma on the basis of which you have been offered a place in your study programme in the Netherlands? Then DUO will pass on their verification of your diploma to UM. No further action on your part is required.

Non-Dutch diplomas
Did you acquire the diploma on the basis of which you have been offered a place in your study programme outside of the Netherlands? Then you will need to send a certified copy of that diploma.

Have you completed your previous education outside of the Netherlands and will you not receive your diploma before the start of your study programme? Then you can send a certified graduation statement.

More information on the requirements for a certified copy of a diploma and for a certified graduation statement, as well as the address these documents should be posted to, is provided in the task description in the MyApplication portal.

Make sure all application and enrolment tasks are fulfilled

UM can only enrol you if you have completed all the tasks in the MyApplication portal. Please make sure this is the case, so that your application and enrolment can be completed and you’ll be ready to start preparing for your studies as soon as possible.

Confirmation of Enrolment

When you have been enrolled for your study programme at UM, you will receive confirmation of this from UM (in the message inbox in the MyApplication portal) and from Studielink (by email).

UM email account
Before you start your studies, you will receive the login details for your UM email account. Your UM email address will be used for all correspondence about your introduction programme and the start of your studies. Your private email address will only be used to inform you about the application and enrolment process.

How do we assess your application?

When you want to apply or are applying to this study programme, it is useful to know how we assess your application. You can find more information about this below.

To determine if you qualify for admission to this pre-master's programme, the Board of Admissions will carefully evaluate your deficiencies, diplomas, motivation, resume, and proof of proficiency in English.

After the Board of Admissions has decided on your application, you will receive an email regarding acceptance or rejection for the pre-master’s programme.

You will receive the decision of the Board of Admissions within six weeks after the application deadline.