Mariola van Drongelen received individual career coaching

‘The career counseling has really helped me.’

Mariola van Drongelen

Mariola van Drongelen wanted to find another job, but didn’t know what. ‘I was really enjoying myself at the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Sciences, but I felt restless. My manager advised me to go to the Staff Career Centre, and I’m glad I did. The individual career coaching I received there really helped me on my way. Now I have a new job at the Student Services Centre.’

Mariola, 54, worked in banking for 29 years and held various positions that sector. However, one day she decided to do something completely different and started working at Maastricht University. Here, too, she has worked in several departments. That’s what she likes to do: challenge herself from time to time in a new job. However, in March last year, when she started to feel restless again, she didn’t know what type of job she was looking for this time. That’s why after her intake interview at SCC, she started with individual coaching sessions.


‘Once every two or three weeks I had a session with my coach. Online, because of corona, but that went very well. At home, I worked on assignments she gave me: about what motivates you, for example, or your dream jobs. Gradually you discover a pattern in your answers. I like variation, for instance. I have a wide range of interests and I like to be hands-on. I knew that, but the coaching confirms who you are. And that gave me strength. I think it helps you come across better in a job interview. My coach also asked me tough questions, but she always did so in a constructive way. I realised, for example, it makes no sense to randomly apply for jobs, and that gave me more peace of mind.’