Rebecca Haselhoff, MA Media Studies: DIgital Cultures

Rebecca is from the Netherlands and has a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and Culture, with a minor in journalism and media from the University of Nijmegen.

“During my bachelor’s I spent a semester as an exchange student in the UK for a minor, in which I was introduced to journalism and media, digital media in particular. I found this extremely interesting and decided I wanted to do a master’s programme in this field.

When I searched for suitable programmes I came across this master’s which is one of a kind and unique in its field. The programme focuses on all the various digital technologies and media, their impact on people and society, and also the ethical and moral dilemma’s that sometimes arise. We analyse and discuss issues, which is extra interesting because of the varied classroom with different backgrounds and viewpoints.

What I like in particular is that we also get so much skills-training in, for example, web design, blogs, podcasts and conducting interviews. This master’s gives you a lot of options for your future career. My personal ambition is to develop myself so I can use digital media to initiate debate and have a positive influence on others.”

Rebecca Haselhoff
October 2020

Rebecca was Student ambassador during academic year 2020-2021
 Watch her ambassador video