
Maastricht University (UM) wants all its employees to be – and stay – fit and healthy. That is why UM aims to create a stimulating work environment and a healthy workplace. We want employees to enjoy working and to be able to perform optimally.

Get active!

We all know that physical activity is good for our health, but do we move enough? Fit and vital people take more pleasure in their work and have more energy. UM strives to provide a healthy workplace and sustainable employability for all staff. UM offers a variety of activities for all employees. 

Staff Career Centre

Working on your personal development is an important part of living and working vitally. The Staff Career Centre supports you in this. The Staff Career Centre cooperates with GoodHabitz, a provider of online training modules. In addition, the Staff Career Centre itself offers various extensive training courses in the field of personal development.

Vitality Works

Vitality Works is a comprehensive strategy to make UM a healthier place to work. In order to make Vitality Works a success, UM would like employees to make their own contribution towards improving their and their colleagues' vitality. It is therefore possible to submit proposals, together with colleagues, for promoting vitality at work.

Questions or want to know more?
Please contact us at

Collaboration Maastricht UMC+

UM and the Maastricht UMC+ have agreed to invest in developing joint initiatives to enhance the vitality of their employees.

UM and the MUMC+ have long collaborated on research, education and patient care. The two institutions share the same principles in their social and health policies. Additionally, many staff are employed at both organisations. The Executive Boards of UM and the MUMC+ announced their intention to cooperate further in the area of ​​vitality.