Online Experience Day BSc Global Studies

Welcome to the online Experience Day of our bachelor’s programme in Global Studies!

During this day you will experience what’s it like to study at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) as a Global Studies Student. This day will start off with a programme presentation given by the programme director, a mini lecture and a short explanation about the Problem-Based Learning-system by one of our Student Ambassadors. After these presentations, you will experience what it’s really like to work in a tutorial group, together with other participants of the Online Experience Day. Our students from FASoS will be there to guide and help you and your group with the assignment. Then it’s time for a lunchbreak, during this lunchbreak a student recruiter will come online to answer any questions you have concerning the programme or studying in Maastricht. After the lunch break we will continue with the second part of the tutorial group. We wish you a very informative day and hope you will get a good impression of our faculty and BSc Global Studies.

Welcome to the Online Experience Day Global Studies

Before attending the day:

Programme of the day


What? Zoom links
10.30 - 11.00 Welcome and presentation on the Global Studies by Programme director Lutz Krebs Main Room
11.00 - 11.30 Presentation on Problem-Based Learning Main Room
11.30 - 12.15

Tutorial Group (pre-discussion)

You participate in a sample tutorial group in which you prepare an assignment (supervised by FASoS students).
Group 1: Zoom Breakout Room 1
Group 2: Zoom Breakout Room 2
12.15 - 13.00 Lunch and Q&A session
During this break a student advisor will be online to answer questions on the programme and studying in Maastricht.
Main Room
13.00 - 13.30 Mini-lecture: Analysing Stakeholders for Global Change by Sharon Anyango Main room
13.30 - 14.15 Tutorial Group (post-discussion)
You participate in a sample tutorial group in which you prepare an assignment (supervised by FASoS students).

Group 1: Zoom Breakout Room 1
Group 2: Zoom Breakout Room 2


Help us improve the programme of the Experience Day and fill out and return our evaluation form. Your input is highly appreciated.

Virtual tour of the Faculty and the City of Maastricht

FASoS hotspots online Experience Day 2021

Your student life experience would not be complete without visiting the beautiful faculty buildings of FASoS and the hotspots of Maastricht, the oldest city in the Netherlands. Our students take you on a virtual tour, so join us and explore!

 Take the tour