Physical discomforts while working (from home)?

We've got your back!

Do you experience pain or discomfort in your back, neck, shoulders, wrists or other areas, perhaps due to sitting too much and/or working from home? You are not the only one! That is why UM offers an intervention, to help you target problematic areas and make working in your (home) office a little bit more comfortable. You can participate even if you do not have complaints (yet).

The intervention

You will be doing exercises designed by a physical therapist, aimed at reactivating and mobilising your back, neck, shoulders and other areas. A trained UM SPORTS coach will explain and show the exercises in a weekly 15-minute Zoom session* with a small group of UM employees, after which you can practice yourself. Additionally, you will have access to an intranet group with videos/photos of all the exercises and other information.

Zoom sessions*

During the 15-minute Zoom sessions, that take place in a small group of UM employees, it's important that your camera is on so the coach can see the way you perform the exercises and give feedback if necessary. The sessions will not be recorded.

The research study

You will also be part of a research study into the effectiveness of this intervention. The study will be conducted by UM researchers from the department of Health Promotion as part of the Vitality Works project. For the purpose of this study, you will be invited to fill out several questionnaires: before the start of the intervention and upon intervention completion.

This is a follow-up study. The intervention is offered for a second time after the previous time proved to be successful.


The intervention and study will take up 12 weeks in total. We will get started at the end of October (exact dates to be announced) and of course we'll take the holidays into account. After registration has closed, you will receive a schedule of the Zoom sessions and the planned exercises per week.

Yes, I want to participate!*

Sign up via the form below.

Another example exercise

We've got your back!