Guidelines for the participation of social housing residents in the energy transition

MSI (UM) and Neimed developed a gamut and a report with guidelines for the participation of social housing residents in the energy transition. The guidelines result from a project that was funded by the Province of Limburg and in close collaboration with Wonen Limburg (Housing Corporation) and a diversity of stakeholders. The guidelines can be used by housing corporations in collaboration with municipalities and the provinces.

The Netherlands has committed itself to the reduction of greenhouse gasses, which means that ambitious targets need to be achieved by 2050. One of the strategies to meet these targets includes the implementation of energy saving measures and the use of renewable energy. Awareness and subsidies are supposed to trigger house owners to invest in sustainable energy. However, all these efforts won’t be enough to meet the ambitious targets. Housing corporations own and rent out a large housing stock and may be able to contribute significantly to meeting the targets. Investing in more sustainable energy and the renovations that come along with them, however, inevitably affect the social housing residents. Without legal consent of the residents, homes cannot be renovated and be made more sustainable in terms of their energy consumption.

The guidelines therefore answer the following question:

How to engage social housing residents in the energy transition?

There is a short version of the guidelines available (in a gamut, funded by Wonen Limburg) and a more extensive version in a report. Both are in Dutch.