Young Universities for the Future of Europe

"It is interesting to see how YUFE is actually going to spread to the cities"

My name is Arla and I am a student representative for YUFE from the University of Eastern Finland. As I only was elected as a student representative this September, the meeting in Cyprus was the first one for me. I was excited about attending the meeting and really getting to know YUFE. We got a good impression of how YUFE works and met all other student representatives and YUFE partners. YUFE has a Student Forum, for which we elected a board and decided how we will be working on YUFE’s Work Packages in the future. Since there are three student representatives from each country, we decided that one will work on the Work Package that her university is leading, the other will work on the Work Package co-led by her university, and the third can choose which package to work on. I chose the ‘YUFE in our cities’ package, which is led by my university. It is interesting to see how YUFE is actually going to spread to the cities and not only stay on the campus area of each university. Sadly, I won’t be a student anymore when this project is expected to be finished, so I can’t really explore it myself – but at least I can be there to make it happen.

Arla Paananen,
University of Eastern Finland
Student representative for YUFE