ACE Retrofitting

ACE Retrofitting (Accelerating Condominium Energy Retrofitting) will help condominiums to overcome legal, social and financial barriers of retrofitting. A majority of buildings in North West Europe (NWE) are still energy inefficient and in need of deep renovation. If action is not taken it will lock local authorities into a high carbon-footprint future. By targeting condominiums, the greatest number of private owners can benefit while creating significant financial and 50-70% carbon savings.​ 

The project is led by Energy Cities (European Association of local authorities in energy transition), and consists of 6 local authorities (Aberdeen, Antwerp, Frankfurt, Liège, Paris and Maastricht), 1 intermediary organization (Changeworks, UK) and Maastricht University as knowledge institution.

Maastricht University, composed of Maastricht Sustainability Institute (MSI), School of Business and Economics (SBE)  and the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) will provide scientific input to the project in the fields of co-creation processes for sustainable development, innovative financing options for retrofitting and the value of green buildings, and psychological insights in behavioural change.

Through its partnership in the project, UM will provide access to its considerable knowledge base in this respect. UM will help in developing approaches towards retrofitting condominiums that are academically balanced and make use of state of the art knowledge.

Main outputs

  • An owners and condominium managing structures toolkit to empower this target group, overcome their barriers and increase and accelerate the energy retrofitting of condominiums
  • An operational coaching framework to improve the building professionals’ capacity to renovate condominiums
  • A governance arrangement facilitated by LAs linking the demand and supply sides as well as a NWE transferable ICT tool for information and project management based on CoachCopro
  • An Energy Cities European campaign that 10 years after the project will involve hundreds of additional LAs and ensure that thousands of deep retrofits are achieved
  • The project will result in 15,000 households with improved energy classification per year