Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship for Scientists

InSciTe offers a unique course of intellectual property and entrepreneurship for scientists. The course will give you a practical introduction to the fundamentals of intellectual property law, research policy and entrepreneurship. Your instructor will help you to think strategically about intellectual property rights (IPR) held by others, as well as intellectual property that you may develop in the course of your research.

Expert teachers

The course is taught by intellectual property specialists from various domains. The team comprises lawyers specialising in IP and litigation and transaction practice, a patent attorney, and an economist.
The principal teachers will be:

  • Prof. Anselm Kamperman Sanders – Professor of Intellectual Property Law, UM (coordinator)
  • Dr. Cees Mulder – Associate professor Intellectual Property Law, UM, and European Patent Attorney
  • Prof. Meir Pugatch – IPKM professor of IP Valorisation, Entrepreneurship and Management, UM, and CEO of the Pugatch Consilium
  • Prof. Dick van Engelen – IPKM professor of Intellectual Property Litigation and Transaction Practice, UM; and attorney at law, Ventoux Lawyers

Course structure

The course is run in two segments:  

  1. IP in Innovative Science 
  2. IPR Intensive Entrepreneurship

Each course segment is comprised of 2.5 days and 3 learning modules. The next course will be offered on 7-9 March and 4-6 April 2016. For a detailed description of the course modules, download the 2016 IP & Entrepreneurship for Scientists course description (PDF).

Certificate and ECTS

Upon successful conclusion of all 6 course modules, the certificate will be issued by Maastricht University Faculty of Law, which may also be used for 2 EC credits towards the completion of the Advanced Master in Intellectual Property and Knowledge Management.

How to apply

Step 1: 0nline registration & application

Please note that in order to apply for this course with the Faculty of Law, you first need to register at Maastricht University (UM). After completion of the initial registration form, you will receive an email containing the user ID and password, which you need for the application to the Faculty of Law. If you have any questions concerning your registration and application at Maastricht University, please contact us


For registration at Maastricht University please go to: MyUM account form. Complete all required fields on the form (marked with an *) and other relevant fields. If you need help with a specific question, click on the question mark.

Within 24 hours, you will receive an email at the email address you entered on the registration form. Please go to your inbox and follow the instructions in this email, which will contain your user ID and password and a link to the My UM portal.


Please go to the MyUM portal for the online application and enter your user ID and password in order to log on: Click on ADMISSIONS and choose "new application" to go to the application form.

Make sure to enter the following data:
Faculty--> choose "Faculty of Law  (FdR)"
Program of study --> choose "Law: InSciTe" 
If you do not select the correct programme of study, this might cause a delay in your application.

Please note that you have to fill out the period as follows:
Start: 01-04-2019
End: 31-05-2019

Step 2: Uploading documents

You will need to upload the following documents while filling in the online application, so please have them ready in digital form: