Academic Ceremonies October 2015



PhD conferral Dhr. Michael N.J. Wells-Greco, LL.M

Faculty of Law


  • prof.dr. G.R. de Groot 


  • dr. S.W.E. Rutten

Thursday 1 Oktober, 14.00 hours

“The status of children arising from inter-country surrogacy arrangements; the past, the present, the future”

Inaugural lecture prof.dr. Liesbeth J. Boersma

appointed at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences as extraordinary professor ‘Radiotherapie, in het bijzonder Mammacarcinoom’

Friday 2 Oktober 2015, 14.30 hours

“Kwaliteit in borstkankerzorg: O.K. & T.O.F. ?!”

Inaugural lecture prof.dr. Joop P. van den Bergh

appointed at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences as extraordinary professor 'Botkwaliteit en Metabole Botaandoeningen'

Friday 2 Oktober 2015, 16.30 hours

“Bot en kwaliteit: samen sterker ?!”

PhD conferral Dhr. Aidas Masiliunas

School of Business and Economics


  • prof.dr. A. Riedl,
  • prof.dr. J.P. Reiss


  • dr. F. Mengel

​Wednesday 7 Oktober 2015, 12.00 hours

“Feedback Manipulation and Learning in Games”

PhD conferral Mw.drs. Yvonne P.J. Bosch

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. B. Mochtar,
  • prof.dr. J.G. Maessen


  • dr. P.W. Weerwind,
  • dr. R. Al Dieri

​Wednesday 7 Oktober 2015, 16.00 hours

“Monitoring of hemostatic disturbances in cardio-pulmonary bypass patients”

PhD conferral Mw. Ilse G.M. Slot, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. A.M.W.J. Schols


  • dr. H.R. Gosker

Thursday 8 Oktober 2015, 14.00 hours

“Regulation of skeletal muscle oxidative phenotype by hypoxia – implications for COPD”

PhD conferral Dhr. Nicolas (Nicky) A.M. Pansters, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. A.M.W.J. Schols


  • dr. R. Langen

Thursday 8 Oktober 2015, 16.00 hours

“The role of GSK-3 in myogenesis and recovery of Atrophied muscle”

PhD conferral Mw. Paula Nagler, MSc

Faculty of Humanities and Sciences


  • prof.dr. P. Mohnen,
  • prof.dr. W. Naudé


  • prof.dr. M. Vodopivec

Friday 9 Oktober 2015, 10.00 hours

“Occupational choice in the Developing World”

PhD conferral Dhr. Jochem W. van der Veen, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. H. van Loveren


  • dr. J. Ezendam

Friday 9 Oktober 2015, 14.00 hours

“Towards an animal-free integrated testing strategy for the identification of skin sensitizing chemicals”

PhD conferral Dhr. Roger A.J. Habets, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. M. Vooijs


  • A.J. Groot

Friday 9 Oktober 2015, 16.00 hours

“Notch receptor regulation: mechanism and new therapeutic approaches”

PhD conferral Mw. Aisha O. Maulana, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. H.W. van den Borne 


  • dr. A. Krumeich

Wednesday 14 Oktober 2015, 12.00 hours

“Health Promotion from an Islamic Perspective”

Double doctorate UM-Alcalá PhD conferral Mw. Selamawit Mengesha Bilal, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. G.J. Dinant


  • dr. M.G. Spigt,
  • dr. R. Blanco

Wednesday 14 Oktober 2015, 14.00 hours

“The fathers’ role in child nutrition in Ethiopia”

PhD conferral Dhr. Henk I.J.W. Havens, MSc

Faculteit der Cultuur- en Maatschappijwetenschappen


  • prof.dr. M.J.H. Meijer,


  • dr. P.F. Peters

Thursday  15 Oktober 2015, 14.00 hours 

“Theater en het performatief spectrum; transities in het contemporaine theater van de Lage Landen”

PhD conferral Mw. Sanaz Yahyanejad, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. M. Vooijs


  • dr. J. Theys,
  • dr. A.J. Groot

Thursday 15 Oktober 2015, 16.00 hours

“Preclinical validation of Notch therapeutics for cancer treatment”

PhD conferral Mw. Alexandra C. Niculescu, MSc

School of Business and Economics


  • prof.dr. W. Gijselaers,
  • prof.dr. M. Segers


  • dr. D. Tempelaar,
  • dr. A. Dailey-Hebert

Friday 16 Oktober 2015, 10.00 hours

“Hidden in Plain Sight; capturing freshmen emotional experiences and their effects on performance at University”

PhD conferral Mw. Birthe A. Lehmann, MSc

Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


  • prof.dr. R.A.C. Ruiter,
  • prof.dr. G.J. Kok,
  • prof.dr. G.B. Chapman

Friday  16 Oktober 2015, 12.00 hours 

“Small decision, big impact; promoting influenza vaccination uptake among health care workers”

PhD conferral Mw. Franziska Grashof, LL.M

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid


  • prof.dr. C.W. Backes


  • dr. M. Elaintonio

Friday 16 Oktober 2015, 14.00 hours 

“National Procedural Autonomy Revisted; consequences of differences in national administrative litigation rules for the enforcement of environmental European Union Law – The case of the EIA Directive”

PhD conferral Mw. Josina J.C. Polak, MA

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid


  • prof.dr. C. Backes,
  • prof.dr. E. Versluis


  • dr. M. Eliantonio

Friday 16 Oktober 2015, 16.00 hours

“What works to make  EU law work ? An analysis of The usefulness of national, transnational, and supranational compliance instruments”

PhD conferral Mw. N. Bronwen Manby, LL.M

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid


  • prof.dr. G.R. de Groot


  • dr. O.W. Vonk

Tuesday 20 Oktober 2015, 16.00 hours

“Citizenship and Statelessness in Africa; the law and politics of belonging”

PhD conferral Dhr. Lorenzo Desideri, Dottore magistrale

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. L.P. de Witte


  • dr. G.J. Gelderblom†,
  • dr. U.R. Roentgen

Wednesday 21 Oktober 2015, 10.00 hours

“Assistive technology service delivery for children with multiple disabilities; a Family-Centred Approach to Assure Quality”

PhD conferral Mw. Huizhen Chen

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid


  • prof.dr. M.G.W.M. Peeters,
  • prof.dr. Zhiping

Wednesday 21 Oktober 2015, 12.00 hours

“Towards a Market-based climate regime in China? A legal perspective on the design and implementation of greenhouse gas emissions trading”

PhD conferral Dhr. Allah-Adoumbeye Djimadoumngar

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid


  • prof.dr. M. Faure

Wednesday 21 Oktober 2015, 14.00 hours

“La contribution du droit international de l’environment à la preservation du lac Tchad à l’ère du changement climatique’”

PhD conferral Dhr. Th.J. van Rensch, LL.M

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid


  • prof.dr. A.M.J.A. Berkvens


  • dr. B. van Hofstraeten

Wednesday 21 Oktober 2015, 16.00 hours

“Licht op het zonneleen Gronsveld; ontwikkeling en instellingen van het Rijksonmiddellijke graafschap Gronsveld (elfde eeuw tot circa 1795)”

PhD conferral Mw. Alexandra König, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. F. Verhey,
  • prof.dr. Ph. Robert


  • dr. P. Aalten,
  • dr. R. David

Thursday 22 Oktober 2015, 10.00 hours

“The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for the assessment of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and related disorders”

PhD conferral Mw. Irene Eurlings, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. E.F.M. Wouters


  • dr. M.A. Dentener,
  • dr. N.L. Renaert

Thursday 22 Oktober 2015, 12.00 hours

“Matrix remodeling in COPD; contribution of Epithelial plasticity”

PhD conferral Dhr. Michel J.L. Walthouwer, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. H. de Vries,
  • prof.dr. L. Lechner


  • dr. A. Oenema

Thursday 22 Oktober 2015, 14.00 hours

“Obesity prevention using the Internet; development and evaluation of a video- and text-based version of a computer-tailored intervention”

PhD conferral Mw.drs. Michelene N. Chenault

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. M.P.F. Berger,
  • prof.dr. B. Kremer


  • dr. L.J.C. Anteunis

Thursday 22 Oktober 2015, 16.00 hours

“Assessing Readiness for Hearing Rehabilitation”

PhD conferral Mw. Marie J.M. Miglianico, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. J. Glatz


  • dr. D. Neumann,
  • dr. G.A.F. Nicolaes

Friday 23 Oktober 2015, 10.00 hours

“AMPK-glycogen interplay: an opportunity for drug design”

PhD conferral Mw. Constance M. Sommerey, MPhil

Faculteit der Cultuur- en Maatschappijwetenschappen


  • prof.dr. E. Wesseling


  • dr. J.C.M. Wachelder,
  • dr. R. deBont

Friday 23 Oktober 2015, 14.00 hours

“The Ghost in the Classroom. Ernst Haeckel’s Rhetoric of Evolution and Its Reverberations in German Biology Texbooks (1925-1958)”

PhD conferral Mw.drs. Elisabeth G. Klompenhouwer

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. V.C.G Tjan-Heijnen


  • dr. L.E.M. Duijm,
  • dr. M.J. Broeders,
  • dr A. Voogd

Friday 23 Oktober 2015, 16.00 hours

"strategies for improvement of population-based breast cancer screening"

PhD conferral Dhr. Eduardo Muniz Pereira Urias

School of Business and Economics


  • prof.dr. S. Ramani

Wednesday 28 Oktober 2015, 10.00 hours

“Improving access to HIV/AIDS treatment in Brazil: When are compulsory licenses effective in price negotiations?”

PhD conferral Dhr. Tobias Heldt, LL.M

 in de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid


  • prof.dr. M.G. Faure

Wednesday 28 Oktober 2015, 14.00 hours

“A European Legal Framework for Nuclear Liability Rethinking Current Approaches”

PhD conferral Dhr.drs. Anand Vinekar

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. C.A.B. Webers


  • dr. N.J. Bauer

Wednesday 28 Oktober 2015, 16.00 hours

“Retinopathy of Prematurity. Recent advances in tele-medicine screening, risk factors and spectral domain optical coherence tomography imaging”

PhD conferral Mw. Fleur E.P. van Dooren, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. F.R.J. Verhey,
  • prof.dr. J.K.L. Denollet,
  • prof.dr. F. Pouwer


  • dr. M.T. Schram

Thursday  29 Oktober 2015, 10.00 hours

“Diabetes and Depression: exploring the Interface between Pathophysiological and Psychological factors”

PhD conferral Mw.drs. Gabriëlla Pons van Dijk

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. J. Lodder,
  • prof.dr. H. Kingma


  • dr. A.F. Lenssen

Thursday 29 Oktober 2015, 16.00 hours

“Taekwondo and physical fitness components in middle-aged healthy volunteers; the Sekwondo study”

PhD conferral Mw. Yara Pujol-Lopez, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. H.W.M. Steinbusch


  • dr. G. Kenis,
  • dr. Aye Mu Myint

Friday 30 Oktober 2015, 10.00 hours

“Development and psycho neuro immunological mechanisms in depression”

PhD conferral drs. Bart A.E. Maesen

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. U. Schotten,
  • prof.dr. J.G. Maessen


  • dr. S. Verheule

Friday 30 Oktober 2015, 12.00 hours

“Structure-function relationship of atrial fibrillation waves in goat and man”

PhD conferral Dhr. Mehrdad Seirafi, MSc

Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


  • prof.dr. B. de Gelder,
  • prof.dr. P. de Weerd

Friday 30 Oktober 2015, 14.00 hours

“Behind the Seen; Unconscious Perception of Objects, Faces and Emotions”

Inaugural lecture Joep Simmelink

appointed at the Faculty of Law as extraordinary professor ‘Openbaar Ministerie’

Friday 30 Oktober 2015, 16.30 hours

“De officier van justitie: magistraat in een bestuurssorgaan”