Academic Ceremonies July 2013



PhD Conferral Ms. Tina Oršolić Dalessio, LL.M

Faculty of Law


  • prof.dr. M. Claes;
  • prof.dr. L.M.Pessoa Maduro, EUI

Monday 1 July 2013, 14.00 hours

“Socializing Europe – Solidifying EU Citizenship”

PhD Conferral Ms. drs. Janneke N. Leerlooijer

Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


  • prof.dr. R.A.C. Ruiter;
  • prof.dr. G.J. Kok


  • dr. A.E.R. Bos, OUN

Monday 1 July 2013, 16.00 hours

“About goats, girls, boys and the bees”

Sexuality is a taboo subject in many countries in Africa and Asia. Not talking about it can lead to problems, among others for young people who become sexually active or unplanned pregnant. In her dissertation 'About goats, girls, boys and the bees' Joanne Leerlooijer shows that sexual education of school going youth in Thailand (The World Starts With Me) can contribute to breaking these taboos. She also shows that the Teen Mother project ‘Adopt a Goat’ in Uganda can break taboos about pregnancy of unmarried teenage girls so that they can continue their elementary or secondary education.  


Key words:

Human rights, sex education, Uganda, Thailand, teenage pregnancy

PhD Conferral Mr. Caicai Du, MSc

School of Business and Economics


  • prof.dr. J. Muysken;
  • prof.dr. O. Sleijpen

Tuesday 2 July 2013, 12.00 hours

“The macroeconomic impact of a three-pillar pension system: the case of the Netherlands”

PhD Conferral Ms. Klara De Cort, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. I. Myin-Germeys;
  • prof.dr. E.J.L. Griez


  • dr. K.R.J. Schruers;
  • dr. I. Van Diest, Leuven

Wednesday 3 July 2013, 16.00 hours

“The Pathogenesis of Panic Disorder”

PhD Conferral Ms. drs. Kim van Wijck

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. W.A. Buurman;
  • prof.dr. C.H.C. Dejong


  • dr. K. Lenaerts

Thursday 4 July 2013, 14.00 hours

“Mind the Gap; experimental studies on splanchnic hyperfusion and gastrointestinal integrity loss in man”

PhD Conferral Mr. Anant Joshi, MA

School of Business and Economics


  • prof.dr. H. Hassink


  • dr. L. Bollen

Thursday 4 July 2013, 16.00 hours

“IT Governance Transparency: an empirical assessment of information disclosures on IT governance”

Recognizing that firms are becoming increasingly dependent on Information Technology (IT) assets to achieve operational and strategic goals, it can also raise important issues, such as effective IT decision making and management control, IT investment priorities, and IT risk management. Information disclosure on the aforementioned activities can help the different stakeholders of a firm (for example, customers, investors, analysts) to assess the quality of IT governance activities. The dissertation contributes with a comprehensive IT governance disclosure framework to better understand how firms communicate their IT governance activities. 


Key words:

IT governance; Transparency; Corporate governance

PhD Conferral Ms. drs. Mirjam Weemhoff

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. J.L.H. Evers;
  • prof.dr. R.F.P. Kruitwagen


  • dr. K.B. Kluivers, UMC St. Radboud

Friday 5 July 2013, 12.00 hours

“Explorations of Pelvic Floor Ultrasound”

PhD Conferral Ms. drs. Christina H. van de Weijer

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. L.P.A. Schrauwen;
  • prof.dr. M. Hesselink


  • dr. B. Schrauwen-Hinderling

Friday 5 July 2013, 14.00 hours

“Cardiomyopathy and muscle insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes; Craving for sugars, or dying for fat?”

PhD Conferral Ms. drs. Zahra Ladhani

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. A.J.J.A. Scherpbier 


  • dr. F.C.J. Stevens

Vrijdag 5 juli 2013, 16.00 uur

“Community Based Education and Professional Competencies: A study of institutional structures, perspectives and practices in Pakistan”

This thesis concerns Community Based Education (CBE) within the undergraduate medical and nursing programs. Presently, bulk of literature on CBE is devoted to describe what it is and its various models implemented world-wide.   However, there is little advice on how to effectively integrate CBE in Health Professions Education (HPE), therefore, in this context four research studies were carried out in various HPE institutes and health care settings of Pakistan.  The perspectives and practices of policy makers, academic leaders, faculty and graduates were explored to recommend evidence based revisions in curricula and instructional designs for effectively integrating CBE in undergraduate HPE programs.


Key words:

Community Based Education, Health Professions Education, Pakistan