Hybrid Bachelor’s Open Day: very busy on campus

3719 prospective students visited the six faculties of Maastricht University at Saturday’s Bachelor's Open Day. The event also drew many visitors online. Like the turnout, the rating of the programmes' presentations was impressive: 8.6.

The weather contributed to these high figures: cloudy with regular sunny spells and dry all day. So the prospective students didn’t need an umbrella to take the shuttle bus and hop from one building to another. Once inside, they were given information about our programmes, Problem-Based Learning and student life in Maastricht. There was sufficient opportunity to taste the atmosphere and put any questions to staff and students.


On the registration form, all visitors to the campus had been able to plan their day. In addition, they were given access to an online platform which listed all sessions and provided key information about programmes and UM’s unique teaching method as well as its services and facilities such as the University Library and more than 3,000 study places, and an FAQ.

During the open day, the same platform attracted many prospective students who could not make it to Maastricht. Many of the roughly 1400 registered online visitors joined the platform from abroad and attended the interactive sessions via Zoom.

A total of 635 visitors took the trouble to give feedback immediately after the session they had participated in. Most of them were positive, with an average rating of 8.6.


Here are some reacties: "Loved it, although I have difficulty concentrating, everything was explained very well for me with the problem case," were the words of a visitor to the presentation on Problem-Based Learning at the School of Business and Economics. Prospective students at Psychology also found the day very informative: "Very clear. Especially also the student who was there. Thx." And: "The way the lecturer spoke was absolutely great. All questions were answered well."

Many visitors appreciated the friendly and inviting atmosphere: "I felt a bit shy at the beginning, but the girls soon made me feel more at ease." Another participant admitted that "in this interactive session I did not speak much myself, but I heard the opinions of others and that was very beneficial for the social side." The open nature of the day was much appreciated: “i thought it was nice that you share information with people not from the same culture as you.”

Of course, there were also some critical words. These were mainly about the pace (on the slow side), the crowding (too few chairs) and the visual element of the presentations (less text please). All these points will be taken into account at the next Bachelor's Open Day. That is scheduled for 11 February 2023.

Let's give the final word to the prospective student who summed up his experiences as follows: “It was good to have a look at the way of studying at this university and how the things are going on here. Also it was good to learn that you have to make your own opinion about a lot of different cases that are related to a huge amount of companies and governments around the world.”

Missed the Open Day?

Not to worry, the platform is open until 11 February.

Like to taste the atmosphere and discover the campus? Come to one of our Experience Days. You can follow test lessons and experience what Problem-Based Learning is all about.

Any questions? Contact our student ambassadors. Check out their IG or send them a DM.

You can also visit our Virtual Open Day. It is available throughout the year.

And here's an overview of all our information activities.

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