Students between the chimneys

Ten years of Brightlands: now 107 companies and 3000 employees

A collection of innovative companies, which together develop products in the field of health and sustainability. That was the ambition of the Brightlands Campus on the Chemelot industrial estate at the start in 2012. The campus has now been in existence for exactly 10 years. 

Around 2010, Chemelot realized that heavy chemical plants should no longer be the pillars of its activities. The focus was shifted to knowledge workers. People who are primarily concerned with sustainable developments and focus on health and sustainability. It led to the establishment of a special collective in 2012.

Founding fathers

DSM, Maastricht University and the Province of Limburg join forces as the founding fathers of the Brightlands Chemelot Campus. Founded on the idea that science, education, entrepreneurship and government should join forces. Ten years later, the first successful results are visible.

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