Hiking Fundraising Alzheimer Centrum Limburg 2021

The Alzheimer Centrum Limburg is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year and four PhD students have organized a hiking fundraising for this. From 1 to the 21st of September, until World Alzheimer’s day, we will walk 20 kilometers together with colleagues from the Alzheimer Centrum Limburg!

We need your help with this, because every colleague can be sponsored via: https://www.actiealzheimeronderzoekfonds.nl/team/alzheimer-centrum-limburg

This way, more research can be one on all levels of dementia, from innovating diagnostics to search for the course of dementia, improving care, really everything around dementia. This while we as colleagues are also working on a healthy brain by walking.

“Samen vooruit met dementie!”

Hiking Fundraising

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