City Deal Creating Knowledge < Maastricht

Well done students!

On the 2nd of September, there was a kick-off of the City Deal Creating Knowledge Maastricht (CDCK> M), a project in which 175 students from Zuyd Hogeschool and Maastricht University participate. These students are committed to improving the quality of life in Mariaberg and Randwyck. In the past 6 weeks, the students have been active by engaging in questionnaires, neighborhood network discussions and interviews to find out what residents and other stakeholders want to see changed in order to improve the quality of life. All this input and knowledge was shared during the Knowledge Market and the Design Thinking Workshop.

Content of the project

The CDCK> M is a project in which students, the Municipality of Maastricht, researchers and teachers from UM and Zuyd work together with residents of Maastricht to improve the quality of life. Nowadays, cities face various challenges to make their neighbourhoods sustainable and future-proof, because of this CDCK> M focuses on 3 main themes: circular economy, climate adaptation, inclusiveness and vitality.

Why interesting for your students?

The CDCK> M offers students, teachers and researchers the opportunity to make a local impact in Maastricht, to work in a multidisciplinary team within UM and Zuyd and to collaborate with the Municipality of Maastricht and various local organizations.


If you see opportunities to integrate social involvement/ action research within the curriculum or research, send an email to:

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