Christoph Rausch presents paper in Berlin

Lecture Series Berlin

Christoph Rausch will present his paper "Better than Gold? Art in Storage Spaces of the 21st Century" in the lecture series of the Institute of Art History and Historical Urban Studies at TU Berlin. The lecture series of the Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies is dedicated to interdisciplinary and inter-institutional exchange for current research on the art market and its history. For a full overview of the series, see below. 

Lecture Series Summer Term 2019

Monday, 29/04/2019
Dr. Uwe Hartmann, Magdeburg
Das Geschäft mit der Kunst in der DDR: Privates Sammeln, verstaatlichter Handel und die Enteignung von Kulturgütern

Monday, 13/05/2019
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Oy-Marra / Sabine Scherzinger, M.A. / Julia Schmidt, M.A., Mainz
Auktionskataloge – ihre Provenienzen, Annotationen und Funktionen: Die Bibliothek der Kunsthistorischen Forschungsstätte Paris (1942-44)

Monday, 17/06/2019
Dr. Christoph Rausch, Maastricht
Better than Gold? Art in Storage Spaces of the 21st Century

Monday, 01/07/2019
Dr. Alexander Hofmann, Berlin
Bausteine zu einer Geschichte des japanischen Kunstmarkts, ca. 1500 – 1900

Unless indicated otherwise, lectures begin at 18:15h and are held in Room A 111, Architecture Building of the TU, Straße des 17. Juni 150/152, 10623 Berlin. 

>> More information 

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