Structural funding for South Limburg elderly care network

Maastricht University, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Gilde Zorgcollege and seven Limburg-based care organisations have officially joined forces. To formalise and further build on twenty years of collaboration, they signed a consortium agreement this morning.

The regional academic initiative for elderly care (AWO-ZL) is to receive € 700,000 in structural funding from the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The additional funding will enable the organisations involved to continue the project in a sustainable way and expand it.

The AWO-ZL works to analyse and solve scientific problems and practical issues in the long-term care for the elderly. The aim is for scientific research to improve care for the elderly as well as their quality of life.

UM President prof. dr. Martin Paul and prof. dr. Jan Hamers sign the agreement

The ‘academic workshop’ was set up twenty years ago as part of a joint project by Maastricht University professor Jan Hamers and the Hambos nursing home and rehabilitation centre in the town of Kerkrade. Since then, it has grown into a collaborative structure that includes three knowledge institutions and seven healthcare organisations. Jan Hamers: "In South Limburg, we’re working on the elderly care of the future. Our project has now sparked interest from other countries."

The AWO-ZL is one of six collaborating academic networks for elderly care in the Netherlands which are to receive € 700,000 in additional annual funding from the ministry of health. They will make any new knowledge gained available to all nursing homes in the country.

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