Bachelor European Studies student third in Vernon Smith competition

Bachelor student Richard Mason received the 10th International Vernon Smith prize for his essay on the topic "Wann wird Toleranz zum Verbrechen" (When does tolerance become a crime).

Questions of tolerance and intolerance were the main topic of the essays of Mattias Oppold from Germany, Marcos Falcone from Argentina and Richard Mason from Great Britain. All three received the 10th Vernon Smith Prize.

When does tolerance for ideas or behavior become a crime? In times of increasing extreme ideologies, this issue is again gaining in importance, which is why the 10th Vernon Smith Prize dedicated itself to exactly this topic. Students from 11 nations followed the question "Does tolerance become a crime when applied to evil?" in their essays. The three students received their prizes from the hands of Prince Philipp, member of the board of trustees of the European Centers for Austrian Economics Foundation (ECAEF).

 Read the whole article (in German)

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