ITA student Kira Heins receives 'Fibers - our Future' Young Talent Award

On September 22, Prof. Dr. Kai Klopp, chairman of the sponsorship society for the promotion of the Institut für Texiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University bestowed the “Fibers – our Future” Young Talent Award upon ITA student Kira Heins.

The prize, which is jointly funded with the Aachen Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM), is awarded for the best ITA graduation thesis in the field of biobased materials.

In her bachelor thesis 'Antibacterial properties of biopolymers in electrospun wound pads', Ms Heins researched the antibacterial properties of chemically altered biopolymers. Using the electric spinning process, wound pads are produced by coating its fabric with nano-fibres. This way, it’s possible to improve the pads’ hydrophilic qualities significantly.

The Aachen Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM) aims to promote excellent applied and transnational research by improving synergies and fostering intensive cooperation between industry and academia. The cross-border research institute was founded jointly by Maastricht University and RWTH Aachen University.

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