Anique de Bruin receives Teaching Fellow Grant

On Monday 6 March, FHML researcher Anique de Bruin received a Comenius Teaching Fellow Grant from Dutch Minister of Education Jet Bussemaker. The 50,000 euro grant is awarded to one-year projects that promote equal opportunities for all students in higher education. De Bruin plans on using the grant to develop a training that allows students to improve their self-study skills.

Studying effectively
“Studies show that students often think that easy study activities are also effective. The opposite is usually true. About 60 to 90 percent of all students use study strategies such as highlighting literature or re-reading texts, that are not effective,” says de Bruin. With the money she received, de Bruin will be developing a training that will make students aware of their own learning strategies. “We are going to make them aware of the things that do work such as testing yourself and distributing study across sessions, and we are going to let them practice this during their studies.”

Building bridges
De Bruin is very happy she received the grant. “I feel honoured. Only five out of the sixty research university (WO) applicants received the grant. I am also happy that every faculty would like to help through collaboration supported by EDLAB, and I am looking forward to getting started. By building bridges between educational research and – practice, we can bring about effective change in study skills training.”


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